Flavoring Coffee


Flavoring coffee is relatively easy but requires care.


1. The flavoring of coffee should be done in a room separate from where your coffee is roasted and packaged. This reduces the possibility of cross contamination. Many coffee flavors are also flammable and, therefore, should be kept away from sources of flame and heat.


2. Most flavors are concentrated and require accuracy when weighing. Your typical flavor usage will be 3.00% by weight of the coffee you are flavoring. A good scale which measures in tenths of a gram is needed to ensure accuracy. Pre-weigh the amount of flavor into a glass or stainless beaker. When applying the flavor disperse as evenly as possible. For smaller batches use a disposable dropper. Do not re-use the dropper.


3. A stainless-steel bowl or mixing vessel is preferable to plastic. Certain flavors will erode plastic, which can result in your coffee having off flavors. If mixing by hand, use a stainless steel or wood spoon. Your mixing vessel and utensils should be thoroughly cleaned before being used with another flavor.


4. To reduce loss, allow your roasted beans to cool to room temperature before applying flavor.


5. Once flavored your beans should be allowed to rest for 12 hours prior to grinding. Since most flavors are volatile, we recommend the flavored beans be stored in a covered container to reduce flavor loss.


6. To determine the correct flavor use level, we recommend a test batch be made prior to scaling up your production. Our recommended 3.00% use level is a starting point. Depending on the coffee being flavored and the overall impact you desire from the flavor, the amount needed can range from 2.00% to as high as 4.00%. Most flavors are self-limiting. When used at too high a level they will impart bitter or chemical-like notes. If this occurs reduce the amount of flavor being used.


7. One pound of flavor applied to whole coffee beans will flavor the following amount of whole beans at the indicated use levels:


* At 2.00% - 50.00 lbs. of whole beans

* At 2.50% - 40.00 lbs. of whole beans

* At 3.00% - 33.33 lbs. of whole beans

* At 3.50% - 28.57 lbs. of whole beans

* At 4.00% - 25.00 lbs. of whole beans


Please do not hesitate to contact Chris Pisano at 410-565-6600 or cpisano@apeflavors.com if you have any questions.



Apex Flavors, Inc.

Home of Silver Cloud Flavors Brand

1361 Brass Mill Road, Suite E ? Belcamp, MD 21017

Tel: (410) 565-6600 || www.apexflavors.com

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